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Il viaggio ispiratore di Siddhartha Sirdeshpande nella lavorazione elettrochimica (ECM).

Siddhartha Sirdeshpande, un esperto leader operativo, ha condiviso le intuizioni della sua vasta carriera in vari settori, concentrandosi sulle sue esperienze con la tecnologia dilavorazione elettrochimica (ECM).

Con un background nella lavorazione di precisione nei settori aerospaziale e automobilistico, Sirdeshpande ha parlato del suo percorso dall’automotive all’aerospaziale, evidenziando il ruolo centrale della tecnologia ECM. (more…)

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Regards from New Delhi India, a successful Auto Show.
Despite of Corona Virus, the spirit is high. Focus is definitely on EV and 3D printing, two fields where Extrude Hone applies his automotive finishing solutions legacy.

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Enhanced Finishing Solution for metal 3D printed components

Additive Manufacturing

There is extreme interest revolving around Additive Manufacturing. Fully functioning cars were produced using Additive Manufacturing techniques during the 2016 IMTS Show in Chicago – demonstrating the process benefits of the AM Technology.

Additive manufacturing (known also under DLMS; SLM; AM, ALM, 3D Printing) is a process of building parts and components layer by layer, connecting powder particles via an energy source. (more…)

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