Extrude Hone wishes to extend a huge thank you to EWI’s Additive Manufacturing Consortium and its participating members!
On Tuesday, May 8th, 2018 Extrude Hone hosted nearly 40 members from various regions of the globe and businesses as part of a joint tour with ExOne. During this time, members were taken on a detailed, and technical, tour of the Extrude Hone facility. Stopping at various Tech-Stations which went into detail of our various technologies, and their applications. Complete with hands on demonstrations of parts being processed, live, and sample before and after parts for in depth review the visit was a great success!
Click Here to learn more about what Extrude Hone can offer your 3D Printed parts! Or, if you wish to learn about about the EWI Consortium, and possibly join a tour in the future!